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Here are some of the first reactions from folks on the frontlines here at Clean Water Action when they heard the President’s announcement that pending rules to crack down on health-harming ozone pollution would be shelved indefinitely:

"We were deeply disappointed in the Obama administration's decision to punt on reducing the amount of ozone we all breathe, day in and day out. This announcement was handed down on a day that marked the eighth ozone action day in southeast Michigan and the seventh in western Michigan this year. We can't wait until 2013 to get toxic air pollution like ozone under control. " -- Alex Yerkey, Michigan Clean Water Action

"We appreciate the Administration's concern about the economy and jobs. And this decision is about the economy -- how many Americans will lose their lives, have heart attackes, go to emergency rooms, and how many children will have asthma attacks, due to dirty air and high ozone levels in our cities?  Let's crunch the numbers and calculate the costs to the public's health, to American lives, and to our economy." -- Gary Wockner, Colorado Clean Water Action

"The Administration's action to delay a truly protective ozone standard is short-sighted and puts the health of millions of Americans at risk. The only jobs the President's delay will create are in hospital emergency rooms that will have to threat the estimated 8,500 who will die prematurely because of the delay, and the 45,000 cases of aggravated asthma that will result." -- Bob Wendelgass, Clean Water Action President & CEO

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