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March 22 is World Water Day, a United Nations observance showcasing the need for access to clean healthy water around the world and the critical need to protect this precious resource.  According to the World Health Organization, almost 780 million people live without access to clean water, and more than 2.5 billion need improved sanitation. At a time when the world is reeling from the coronavirus pandemic, focusing on the very basic need for good handwashing, protecting our water is even more critical for public health and the health of all species. 

In Connecticut, we’re fortunate to have abundant sources of clean water but here too, our waters are increasingly under threat. Climate change, stormwater runoff, toxic chemical pollution from PFAS, chlorpyrifos and other pesticides, overallocation of streams, corporations buying rights to drinking water and then bottling it for sale at huge profits.

There are many things we all can do to protect our water:

Keep water clean!

  • DO NOT flush flushable wipes
  • Never flush expired or unwanted medicine down the toilet or drain
  • Fix any leaks from cars
  • Pick up after pets to prevent waste entering drains and spreading bacteria
  • Use organic lawn care practices whenever possible

Conserve at home:

  • Turn off faucets when not in use
  • Shorten the length of showers to five minutes or less
  • Use low-flow toilets
  • Water plants by hand rather than a hose

Unless required, don’t buy bottled water.

  • Bottled water is not necessarily healthier and usually not regulated.
  • Reduced demand for bottled water reduces plastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

This World Water Day, let’s all commit to doing our part to protect our water. Use this time of social distancing to identify ways you can keep water clean, conserve at home, reduce the use of bottled water or perhaps give an extra donation to Clean Water Action. Together, we can have a big impact!

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